Last Ranker : Shimomura est là
Capcom vient tout juste de dévoiler un nouveau RPG pour PSP développé par Image Epoch, Last Ranker. Le jeu, qui n'est pas encore daté, propose une équipe prestigieuse au sein de laquelle on trouve Kazuya Niinou, producteur d'Etrian Odyssey, et le scénariste Kazushige Nojima, connu pour son travail sur Final Fantasy. Bien sûr, pour les mélomanes, la plus grande nouvelle vient du nom de la compositrice : Yôko Shimomura ! Pas encore de site officiel, mais les premières infos sur la bande originale sont prometteuses. Dans une courte interview avec le magazine Famitsu, Shimomura indiqué que l'on entendrait des chansons pendant les scènes de combat. Voilà une pratique à la mode depuis peu, Masashi Hamauzu ayant annoncé que Final Fantasy XIII comportera des thèmes chantés pendant les phases de jeu. Hé bien, Mme Shimomura, pourquoi ne pas faire de même pour Versus XIII ?
Capcom has just unveiled a new, Image Epoch-developed PSP RPG called Last Ranker. The game, not dated yet, will feature a prestigious team of creators such as Etrian Odyssey producer Kazuya Niinou and scenario writer Kazushige Nojima, of Final Fantasy fame. Of course, for music lovers, the greatest news comes from the name of the composer: Yoko Shimomura! No official website for now, but the first few details about the soundtrack sound quite promising. In a short interview with the Famitsu magazine, Shimomura said the game would feature vocal tracks during battle scenes. This has certainly become quite trendy lately, as Masashi Hamauzu said Final Fantasy XIII would have vocal tracks during gameplay sequences as well. Hey, Shimomura-san, why not try this for Versus XIII as well?
Capcom has just unveiled a new, Image Epoch-developed PSP RPG called Last Ranker. The game, not dated yet, will feature a prestigious team of creators such as Etrian Odyssey producer Kazuya Niinou and scenario writer Kazushige Nojima, of Final Fantasy fame. Of course, for music lovers, the greatest news comes from the name of the composer: Yoko Shimomura! No official website for now, but the first few details about the soundtrack sound quite promising. In a short interview with the Famitsu magazine, Shimomura said the game would feature vocal tracks during battle scenes. This has certainly become quite trendy lately, as Masashi Hamauzu said Final Fantasy XIII would have vocal tracks during gameplay sequences as well. Hey, Shimomura-san, why not try this for Versus XIII as well?
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